KEMPER SYSTEM is part of the RIBA CPD Providers Network. We attend numerous RIBA CPD and DCE Roadshows and also deliver our CPD presentation at clients' offices.
Our RIBA approved CPD - 'Specification of Liquid Roofing and Waterproofing Systems: A Sustainable Approach' has been mapped to the new RIBA core CPD topic: 10 Design, construction and technology. It is worth up to 8 CPD points (for RIBA members).
It is a succinct 45 minute presentation of the key areas relating to cold liquid-applied waterproofing for flat roofs and other applications.

Liquid waterproofing is the fastest growing sector of the flat roofing market and in many cases now the preferred method for both new build and refurbishment.
The presentation has a particular emphasis on sustainability and covers the specification of sustainable liquid roofing in new build, refurbishment projects, and in warm roof and green roof systems. It looks at the relative merits of various roof membranes and is designed to give you the confidence to select the right products for the right application.
A full suite of literature and sample swatches are made available to all seminar attendees.
The learning objectives covered by the presentation are as follows:
- An understanding of sustainability
- An understanding of the common flat roof membranes
- Choice of roofing system and the common causes of roof failure
- The different types of liquid system available and how they are applied
- An appreciation of the elements that combine to produce sustainable liquid roofing
- Specification of sustainable liquid roofing in warm roofs and green roofs
Host Your Own CPD Event - Lunch & Learn
If you would like further information, or would like to arrange a CPD presentation for you and your colleagues at your place of work, for more information click on the button below.
We will even pick up the bill for lunch!